Knowledge Base ← Customer Feedback for My Contacts Backup Backup (VCF) → What does vCard (.vcf) mean? How can I backup my contacts? I can't backup or see backup option? Do I have to email backup file to myself? I can't send or receive backup file via email or attachment missing. What's the problem? 7 articles → Export (CSV) → What does CSV mean? Can I export my contacts to Microsoft Excel? Excel could not open CSV file properly? Other Features → How can I use Wi-Fi Manager feature? How can I backup my contacts automatically? What is "Remove All Contacts" option? Restore → How can I restore my contacts? Can I open .vcf backup file on other platforms or devices? Can I restore my contacts using CSV file? Security & Privacy → Do you access our contacts? Türkçe S.S.S. → Adres defterimdeki kişileri nasıl yedeklerim? Yedek dosyasını kendime email atmak zorunda mıyım? Rehberimi nasıl geri yüklerim? Kişisel bilgilerimize erişiyor musunuz? Rehberimi Microsoft Excel'e aktarabilir miyim ? 8 articles → All articles → What does vCard (.vcf) mean? How can I restore my contacts? Do you access our contacts? What does CSV mean? How can I use Wi-Fi Manager feature? 26 articles →