Dropbox upload button
Hi, right next to the email button should be a blue button that says Dropbox so we can upload the file to it. Currently there is no clear way to do this nor a confirmation it was executed successfully
gb commented
Drop box not working, need support to fix this-
Stu commented
Dropbox doesn’t work 😡
anonymous commented
This worked when I first got the app, but is no longer working. Dropbox have changed some aspects of their API I believe, it seems this app has not updated to allow it to work again.
Elizabeth Jackson commented
I have no folder (am I suppose to make it myself?), no files uploaded and no error message OR confirmation message. So unless I want to email picture less profiles, what is the point?
Rick commented
I just bought the Pro version. I've linked the app to dropbox. Not sure how to upload to my dropbox.
Any help would be much appreciated.
t commented