Setup Email WHERE?
It does little good to tell someone to setup email if you don't tell them WHERE or HOW!
Please assist.
betina sundal haram jadah commented
Pradeep commented
Hossam Okasha commented
Please setup my email
anonymous commented
This is crazy! Where do I add my email?!?!?!
Sheldon commented
Why is the app not backing up my contacts
Sheldon commented
I purchased the MCBackupPro I followed all instructions i sent the backup to my email where i am only seeing one contact... can someone tell me what’s happening
Mark commented
You cannot assume that a User will go on using the same email address as when they first started.
You need to add a way for Users to associate a DIFFERENT Email address with the app than what was used in the registration process. This is pretty standard stuff, having a app profile that includes the current email address to be used by the app and a way to update that address.
Some of us Users have multiple addresses for various needs, being able to select one for this app is needed!
Ezran commented
You should add your mail address to “Mail” app on your IPhone
anonymous commented
Where add email?
anonymous commented
anonymous commented
anonymous commented
anonymous commented
Where to add email?
Ak commented
E-mail is already linked,so why is it notifying e-mail is not linked.what to do?
anonymous commented
anonymous commented
anonymous commented
where can i add my emsil?
Adli commented
Sama commented
Rob Hore commented
Me too. Useless. How setup email of backup. You keep ignoring this issue. Brilliant support. NOT